About 2 weeks ago, I found out I was not accepted into the M.F.A. in painting Program I applied for. It was explained that one of the the reasons for denial was that I applied late (other reasons were my art wasn’t accepted, and that the program was already full – I am positively assuming that it was either full or I didn’t “meet departmental standards” since I applied late.)
Such is life. But it was a great thing.
After finishing a second painting course over the semester, my Professor explained it isn’t really looked highly upon that you attend the same M.F.A. Studio program in which you received your undergraduate degree. There is apparently a small stigma on those who do that! Well, that’s a good thing for me! So, I am now attempting to apply to 5 different schools – hopefully by Sept. 1st. 2014. Two of the schools I hope to apply to are also out of the DFW metroplex. So, here goes nothing… or rather, everything.
And Thanks TWU for rejecting my application. I had no idea you wouldn’t be a good fit for me.